Hire A Medford Oregon DUI Attorney
Have you been arrested or cited in Medford for a DUI charge? If so, we can help.

Medford Oregon General Information
Medford Oregon is located in Southern Oregon on Interstate 5 and Highway 99. The population is just under 80,000, and Medford is the largest city in the Rogue Valley. Medford is also the county seat for Jackson County Oregon. Medford is home to many outdoor and recreational activities. The economy used to be fueled by lumber and the timber industry, but today the largest employers in the area are health care centers (Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center and Providence Medford Medical Center). Agriculture is also still a large part of the economy. Harry & David is famous for pears and peaches, viticulture grapes are grown in the area for wine, and there are some timber products.
Medford Oregon DUI Arrests
The primary law enforcement agencies responsible for Medford DUI enforcement, investigations, and arrests are the Medford Police Department, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, and the Oregon State Police. In 2015, there were over 300 arrests for DUI in Medford.
Medford Oregon DUI Cases
Medford DUI arrests are typically reviewed by the Jackson County District Attorney’s Office. If charges are filed, Medford DUI cases then proceed through the Jackson County Circuit Court. Most drivers charged in a Medford DUI case will be eligible for Oregon’s DUI Diversion Program. Those that are not may wish to consider plea negotiations, a motion to suppress, a motion in limine, a bench trial, or a jury trial.
Medford Oregon DMV Hearings
If you’ve been arrested or cited for DUI in Medford, you may be facing an Implied Consent Driver’s Licence Suspension. This is an administrative license suspension that is separate from any license suspension imposed in the DUI criminal case. If you’ve been arrested or cited for a Medford DUI charge, you only have ten days to request a DMV Implied Consent Hearing to challenge this license suspension.
Felony DUI or Enhanced Penalties for DUI in Medford Oregon
Given the distance from our offices in Portland and Bend to Medford, we typically do not handle first-offense DUIs in Medford. However, if you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), are looking at a second DUI within five years, or if this is a third or fourth offense (possible lifetime revocation of driving privileges or felony DUI), we can help you. In these types of cases, the penalties are much more severe, and it may be worth your while to plan for a more aggressive defense to a new DUI charge.
Contact Us To Become A Client
We have offices in Portland, Beaverton, and Bend, and we represent clients throughout the state. However, because of the distance to Medford and the Rogue Valley, we are not a good fit for clients looking for low-cost representation on a DUI case eligible for entry into Oregon’s DUI Diversion Program. Our firm is much better suited for clients who want to schedule a contested administrative DMV hearing and/or a jury trial in their criminal case.
Please contact our office for a consultation and strategy session at a reasonable fee. We can meet in-person, via video conference (e.g. Zoom, Apple Facetime, Google Duo, or Skype), or telephone. Please make sure to have copies of any paperwork you were given at the time of your arrest or citation when you contact us.