Benton County Oregon DUI Attorney

If you’ve been arrested or cited for a Benton County Oregon DUI, you may find the following information helpful.

Benton County Oregon DUI Arrests

The main law enforcement agencies responsible for Benton County Oregon DUI enforcement are the Corvallis Police Department, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, and the Oregon State Police. Note that there is also a partnership between Oregon State University, and multiple local law enforcement agencies.

If charges are filed, they will likely be filed by the Benton County District Attorney’s Office.

Benton County District Attorney’s Office
District Attorney: John Haroldson
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Phone: (541) 766-6815
Fax: (541) 766-6701

Benton County Oregon DUI Attorney

Cases filed by the Benton County DA’s Office, typically proceed through the Benton County Circuit Court.

Benton County Circuit Court
Physical Address:
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Mailing Address:
P.O Box 1870
Corvallis, Oregon 97339-1870

Phone: (541) 766-6828

If jail service is ordered as part of a Benton County DUI conviction, the jail will likely be served at the Benton County Jail.

Benton County Jail
Physical: 190 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Mailing: P.O Box 788
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

Phone: (541) 766-6866
Fax: (541) 766-6710

If probation is ordered as part of a Benton County DUI conviction, the probation may be monitored or supervised thought Benton County Parole and Probation.

Benton County Parole and Probation
Benton County Sheriff’s Office
180 NW 5th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Phone: (541) 766-6887
Fax: (541) 766-6758

All Benton County Oregon DUI cases that result in an entry into Oregon’s DUI Diversion Program or with a DUI conviction, a drug an alcohol evaluation will be required. These are called ADES evaluations. In Benton County, Heather Grott handles them for the Benton County Circuit Court.

Heather Grott Evaluations (ADES Evaluation for: Benton County Circuit Court)
Heather Grott
425 SW Madison Avenue, Suite V2
Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4799

Phone: (541) 990-6038
Fax: (541) 928-7668

Centerpoint Evaluation and Counseling (ADES Evaluation for: City of Albany Municipal Court and City of Philomath Municipal Court)

George Baskerville
Physical: 425 SW Madison Avenue, Suite O
Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4731

Mailing: P.O Box 1016
Corvallis, Oregon 97336-1016

Phone: (541) 520-3115
Cell: (541) 520-3115
Pager: (541) 750-7735
Fax: (541) 463-8277


All Benton County Oregon DUI cases that result in an entry into Oregon’s DUII Diversion Program or with a DUI conviction, the driver will be required to attend a Victim Impact Panel (VIP) lecture.

Willamette Criminal Justice Council – DUII Victim Impact Panel
Panel Coordinator: Jodi Robin
Registration address: Benton County District Attorney’s Office/Benton County Circuit Court
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Panel address: Benton County District Attorney’s Office/Benton County Circuit Court
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Panel Coordinator phone: (541) 766-6647
Registration phone: (541) 766-6682
Registration fax: (541) 766-6701

Benton County DUII Victim Impact Panels are held bi-monthly (odd months only) on the 2nd Thursday of the month and run from 7pm – 8:30pm. Check-in begins at 6:30pm. There is a $40.00 fee that must be paid by cash or money order made payable to: Benton County.

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